Protocol Dinner Service
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Basic Dining Procedures and Service

The type of service can be different in each restaurant but the following protocol could be applied to any place at Front of House, either informal or formal dinner service. 



  • Check that your uniform or clothes are clean and ironed and your appropriate work shoes are also clean.
  • Don’t use a strong perfume that can be mixed with the food dishes.
  • Hands and nails must be clean. It’s not nice and hygienic if somebody is serving your food with dirty hands and nails.
  • If you have long hair, always must be tied back.
  • Clean shave or well-groomed beard.
  • Place your mobile phone in a secure place. During service, we can not be checking and taking calls.
  • Take always your pen and corkscrew and a little notebook in your pocket. (Usually, in your first trial you won’t use them but who knows.)
  • Just before starting, clean your hands. This is a hygienic measure that we always need to do. We are connecting food plates, cutlery, glasses… with customers. 


  • Introduce yourself to your team and make them all questions you have related to the service and what you have to do.
  • Be sure you know where the glasses, cutlery, napkins, and bathroom are. Why? Because I am pretty sure a customer will ask where the bathroom is and you will need to replace a glass or cutlery.
  • Try to remember the number of tables although I know it will be impossible on your first day.
  • In a fine dining restaurant, you will need to take a napkin folder in your arm. (Ask for it, don’t wait for them to give it to you – Take advantage of these details- Your team will realise that you know about professional service skills).

Now, it is time to start. Don’t get nervous, well, I know it’s easy to say when I am the most nervous person but try to keep calm and be focused on the floor. (It is important to be anticipated and if you see a glass empty, or a napkin on the floor…don’t wait for the customer to call you).

(During the first day of your trial, some of the following points you won’t be asked to do. Such as taking an order, serving a table… But always that depends on the place).


  • Ask the customer if you can take the jacket to the cloakroom.
  • Introduce yourself before serving but don’t engage in informal and long conversations.
  • Have an elegant and formal posture, not hands in your pockets while on service.
  • Don’t drink, eat or chew gum in front of the guests.


  • Use formal language with customers and keep visual contact.
  • It is important to have a smile. That does not mean you need to be laughing all the time.
  • Use a tray to serve and clear away the empty glasses although it is only one glass – never take them directly in your hands. And also, do not overload it with too many glasses. Is better to go and to come back for more.
  • If a customer asks you something about the menu, ingredients, or allergens and you don’t know or you are not sure you must say to the customer BEFORE TAKING A DECISION that you need to talk with your supervisor: head waiter, maître, manager or in some cases directly with the chef.
  • When you take a glass or a plate for serving, the glass must be taken for the base and the plates close to the rim, not over, to avoid fingerprints.
  • Service is moved in a single direction. Don’t start on one side, then jump to the opposite side because a guest on the table is impatient, and after that come back to the other side…
  • Ladies and oldest people will be served first.
  • While serving don’t touch your face or mouth.
  • Avoid leaning your hands or body over the table or chair.
  • If any cutlery or napkins fall to the floor, replace them with a new ones. (To carry the cutlery you must use a plate or small tray with a napkin folded over). 
  • Try to avoid any noise with cutlery and plates when you are clearing the table.
  • Before serving the dessert and coffee, and finally giving the bill, the table must be completely cleared away of food plates and empty glasses.


  • Be interested to know how everything was.
  • Say goodbye to the customers and give their jackets back if it is the case.

I would like to suggest you have a look at the coming post “Types Of Food Service: American, English, French and Russian” and “For Which Side To Serve Food And Beverage? From The Right Or Left Side?”

I hope you find this basic protocol dining service useful and I will appreciate any comments you would like to share.

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